Smart Text Removal
100% Automatically、Good Quality
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Goodbye Video Text
Removing built-in text from videos by methods such as video cropping is now outdated. These methods are complex, time consuming and difficult to handle scenarios such as text movement. With GhostCut, you can easily remove any text from your videos and get very clean video clip.
100% Automatically, without a single click
No need to draw masks, select text areas or set time ranges. GhostCut 100% automatically analyses your video, recognises and erases all text. It can handle many types of text, such as subtitles, stickers and watermarks; it can also handle text in multiple languages, such as English, Japanese and Chinese. GhostCut produces high quality results. Simple, good.
Excellent Case
How it works
GhostCut only takes three steps to automatically remove embedded text and hardcode subtitles from videos.
Upload the video
You can upload it locally or paste the social media platform link.
Select the removal method and the language to be processed
You can also use de-duplication or video translation together.
Download the processed video
After waiting a few minutes, the video without subtitles is ready and can be downloaded directly.
More Features for You to Explore
Supports HD
Longer Duration
Faster Processing
Batch Editing.
Specified Area Erasure
Specified Area Protect
API support.