Video Translation and Dubbing
100% Automatically、High Accuracy and Cost-Effective
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100% Automatically and High Accuracy
GhostCut uses AI to complete end-to-end video translation. It automatically translates and dubs videos into another language, using ChatGPT translation engine with high accuracy. Most importantly, it truly aligns the new video's speech, images and subtitles, supporting many languages and voices. Give it a try, you won't be disappointed.
0.1USD/minute and Cost-Effective
You don’t need to hire expensive professionals or adopt complex tools which the process is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and also costly. With GhostCut video translation and dubbing, you can translate a 1-minute video for as low as 0.1 USD, with good quality and affordability, truly helping companies to achieve localized video marketing on platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, etc.
Excellent Case
How It Works
GhostCut only takes three steps to automatically translate the speech and subtitles of a video.
Upload the video
You can upload it locally or paste the social media platform link
Select the original language, translation target language, and other subtitle and music options in the video
You can also use smart subtitle removal to remove the original subtitles and display new subtitles.
Download the processed video
After waiting a few minutes, the processed video is ready for download. You can also download subtitles or adjust subtitles online .
More Features for You to Explore
Supports HD
Longer Duration
Faster Processing
Batch Editing
Maintain BG
More Fonts Style
API support